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Legal Murderers is the raw and gritty street anthem which tells the story of the injustices people of color endure on a daily basis at the hands of the police for no reason other than abuse of authority. Police brutality has always been a national phenomenon, from invasion of personal property, body parts, being held against your will, framed, beaten and ultimately killed by those who are put in place to protect you, it seems as of late the police are the real criminals. In a slew of recent news reports from Oscar Grant, Rahmarley Graham, Eric Garner and now just days ago Michael Brown, an unarmed college bound 17 year old. “Legal Murderers” addresses the frustration the members of the urban community feel on a daily basis when they read stories like this or even worse when they become witness and or a Victim. The song, released by Valley Mob Music Group, performed by rapper Juni Jittaz opens up with the powerful statement “Yall’ Kill us and get away with it” sucking you in from the very beginning. In the midst of the tensions running high the Valley Mob Music Group has decided to release this song, shoot a very powerful video with Icon Ralph McDaniels serving as director as well as pairing up with 43rd District Leader Candidate Geoffrey Davis of ‘Love Yourself Stop The Violence’ A man who isn’t a stranger to the violence of the NYC’s streets. After losing his brother to a highly publicized assassination at NYC’s City Hall he has made a mission out of being vocal about anti violence all around.

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